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Services & Events

A friendly team at your side!

Simplicity and good humour...

A few mornings during the week in July and Augustfor the children from 4 to 12 years oldwe organise activities for the younger ones to meet each other. games and activities for the younger ones to meet each other.
Some evenings, activities are organised for the whole family. Meeting and sharing In the evenings, games, themed meals and sports activities are organised for the whole family to have fun together.

The welcome drink on Saturday evening allows the week to be presented and the schedule to be adjusted according to requests.

Do not hesitate to participate, it also allows you to exchange experiences and ideas for visits over a drink.

  • Covered playroom including an adult and children's library, children's games
  • Table football
  • Playing field pétanque and game ofchess giant
  • For the little ones, a playgroundFor the little ones there is a playground, close to some places for parents to supervise.
  • Pour les plus grands, une autre aire de jeux leur est proposée près de la piscineToboggan, filet à grimper, jeu gonflable.

The services

In order to always satisfy you better, you will find on the spot our various services:
  • A showers individual and washbasins in cabins
  • A space baby with bath and changing table
  • Un espace toillette, douche et lavabo pour handicapés
  • A block tableware and linenall equipped with hot water and timed mixer tap
  • A bar licence IV
  • One point wifi
  • A service breads and pastries in the morning (to order) - in high season
  • Un service snack le soir (pizzas et frites) – en haute saison
  • A library
  • Le journal (dans la limite des stocks disponibles) – en haute saison
  • From brochures tourist
  • Une promenade pour chiens (obligation de tenir les chiens en laisse dans le reste du camping)
  • Un jet de nettoyage pour chiens
  • A reel dirty water

The little extras

 Additional services to order